From your ideas you create a team to bring your Startup to life

Team4Idea is the community where you can unleash your ideas and meet the right people with whom to create a team to found your start-up.

Join the community, share your entrepreneurial idea and meet the right people with whom to realise it.

Highlight your skills and get in touch with those who already have an idea or a start-up to develop it insieme.

Webinar: Meet the Mentor

Partecipa ora al Webinar: Meet the Mentor.
Il Webinar è completamente gratuito e online. Avrai l’opportunità di conoscere e fare domande a Alessandro Niglio!

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Find a Co-Founder

Join the community and connect with profiles similar to yours.

Become Co-Founder

Highlight your skills and get in touch with those who already have an idea or a startup to develop it

Webinar: Meet the Mentor

Partecipa ora al Webinar: Meet the Mentor.
Il Webinar è completamente gratuito e online. Avrai l’opportunità di conoscere e fare domande a Alessandro Niglio!

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What you will find inside Team4Idea

Entrepreneurial ideas

Share your business idea and meet people with the right skills to develop it.


Introduce yourself, describe your skills and get in touch with start-ups or people with an idea to join them and bring your start-up to life.

Mentori & Imprenditori

Parla e ricevi consigli da chi ha già fatto impresa, così potrai accelerare la crescita del tuo progetto imprenditoriale.

Our goals

Getting you to meet your Co-Founder

Share your business idea and get in touch with whoever you want

Publish your business idea indicating the professional skills you are looking for in your new Co-Founder or collaborator. Le persone interessate, potranno entrare in contatto direttamente con te!

If you have no ideas but are interested in an idea of a community user, then get in touch with the startupper and create your team to realise the idea.

Getting to know start-ups and people with an entrepreneurial idea

Introduce yourself and find your team

If you do not yet have an idea or a project under development, introduce yourself, describe your skills and tell what your professional goals are.

All community members, including entrepreneurs with established start-ups or people with ideas in development, can directly get in touch with you to start collaborating.

Parla con imprenditori e mentori di startup

Dai vita alla tua startup con i consigli di esperti e imprenditori

Ottieni un supporto continuo, feedback e consigli da persone che hanno già fatto impresa.

Tutto questo sarà presto disponibile, iscriviti in anticipo!

Our numbers

Subscribed users
+ 0
Entrepreneurial ideas
+ 0
Startup Teams formed
+ 0

Success cases

Talking about us


Startup Incubator in Florence

Impresa sociale che progetta, crea e gestisce programmi di supporto per imprenditori/trici in fase iniziale.

Start-up specialising in the search for tenders and funding

Investment bank focused on investments in early-stage start-ups by venture capitalists.

First Italian Startup Studio

Free market research app

Startup Incubator in Florence

Impresa sociale che progetta, crea e gestisce programmi di supporto per imprenditori/trici in fase iniziale.

Investment bank focused on investments in early-stage start-ups by venture capitalists.

First Italian Startup Studio

Start-up specialising in the search for tenders and funding

Free market research app

Frequently Asked Question

Team4Idea is a completely free service at the moment.

Follow these steps:
1. Click on the ‘Sign up’ button
2. Fill in the registration form
3. In the top bar click on ‘Ideas’.
4. Click on the ‘’Submit your Idea‘’ button
5. Fill in the form with all the required steps.
6. Publish your idea!

It's quite easy!
  1. Log in or sign up via the button at the top right
  2. Click on the ‘’Ideas‘’ page
  3. Scroll through the ideas and, if you are interested, click on one of them

"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." (G.B. Shaw)
We are often afraid to tell others our idea for fear that they will steal it from us, but by doing so we end up keeping the idea to ourselves without ever realising it.
The best thing is to share your idea with other people and find people with whom you can actually realise it.
Ideas give rise to ideas for other ideas, you compare yourself with other people and most likely you know someone with whom you can launch yourself and try to realise it.
Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Sharing is the first step towards realisation, or even just getting suggestions on how to improve or concretely implement your idea.

You can get answers to all your questions by posting your questions in the various groups in the ‘Groups’ section or on the ‘News Feed’ page.

It is the other members of the community who will answer you, so that you can resolve all your doubts and get on with your project.


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